Connect with your people to promote talent and wellbeing
Establishing a digital employee journey can transform a person’s experience of your organisation from the very first moment. From recruitment advertising right through onboarding to learning and development; every touchpoint is consistently reinforcing your brand values to build a strong, loyal relationship with high levels of engagement for greater motivation.
Employee portal – Workstation and comms – Recruitment and onboarding – Employ now – Workforce management – Pay and payslips – Time and attendance – Digital employment contracts and compliance – Training and sign off
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Digital employee
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Drive engagement and agility with ‘Digital Me’™
In today’s connected world, every one of us has a digital footprint that stores information that makes our lives easier and helps those we interact with tailor systems and services to us. The employee portal with the Digital Me feature makes anything employee related more accurate, transparent and easier. From pay and holiday, requesting overtime or submitting feedback, to accessing important documents and keeping up with company news, the Mo:dus employee portal is a gateway for real-time interaction and peace of mind for employees.
Informed scheduling
If you have a large workforce out in the field managing their schedules effectively will increase efficiency. If you know where someone is located, and what their competencies and training levels are you can easily assign someone to the right shift – whether this is for holiday or sickness cover, or an employee looking for additional hours. Managers can avoid time spent ringing round and the risk of deploying someone that isn’t compliant. Mo:dus can also identify additional working opportunities for employees that match the required skill set.
Seamless TUPE process
The TUPE process can be extremely stressful for the individuals involved so Mo:dus creates transparency around the entire process to give them peace of mind every step of the way. The efficiency of TUPE process can be greatly helped by Mo:dus; if an employee could take their record with them during the transfer process the incoming organisation would benefit from more accurate employee records including training and terms and conditions, and automated paperwork so the manager can spend time getting to know the employee rather than focusing on admin. The individual benefits too as they can be confident that their information is accurate and contractual agreements won’t be lost – all round resulting in a more collaborative process.
The big benefits to make your work life an efficient one

Happy engaged workforce

Efficient communication

Transparency drives performance